GOHS Grant Renewed


(Athens) The BikeAthens Board of Directors is proud to announce, BikeAthens has again received a grant of $46,000 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).  Using these grant funds, BikeAthens will continue to expand our bike safety seminars throughout 2016-2017 fiscal year.

2016 saw BikeAthens move to a bigger home, present Bike Rodeos to local schools and youth groups, teach monthly bike education through our Municipal Court ticket Diversion Program, and participate in on-campus events to educate UGA students. With this year’s grant funds, BikeAthens will expand and improve these programs. Over the life of the grant, we have hosted multiple kid bike rodeos, distributed hundreds helmets, and given away over numerous pairs of lights!

Among other activities in the 2016-2017 grant cycle, we will provide 12 ticket diversion courses in partnership with the Municipal Court; organize at least four youth bike rodeos, present frequent “bike-confidently” courses, and debut a series of bike-talks to raise awareness of important issues.

“The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety is committed to keeping everyone safe on our roads and highways, from the smallest precious cargo to the most seasoned drivers,” said GOHS Director Harris Blackwood. “This grant will help BikeAthens reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities on Georgia roadways.

“We look forward to extending this critical partnership.  This grant allows us to go into the community and promote bike safety. We would not be as successful as were are, if not for the support of the GOHS”

BikeAthens promotes walking, cycling, and public transit as solutions to transportation needs in Athens through education, advocacy, and community service. We envision a comprehensive transportation network that all Athenians can use with confidence and ease. ____________________________________________________________

For more information on this grant program, contact GOHS at 404-656-6996. For more information on GOHS and its highway safety programs, visit www.gahighwaysafety.org.