Black Lives Matter.
BikeAthens commits to become an anti-racist organization. We support the protesters in Athens, across Georgia, and throughout the country who are risking their lives and safety to righteously express outrage over violence and injustice at the hands of police and the centuries-old system of racism that shields them.
We recognize that BikeAthens is a white-led organization with predominantly white volunteers and donors. Everyday, we see the results of intergenerational poverty among black Athenians that has been brought about by segregation, Jim Crow laws, red-lining, and other racist policies. We see the stark contrast between the people we serve. Many of them are people of color, who ride bikes because they have no other options. We also see the broader cycling community, which is mostly affluent and white. There is no transportation equity without social justice and trust. We must put in the work to learn how best to play a part in that.
We commit to lift up the voices of people of color who advocate so beautifully for equitable, restorative, and revolutionary transportation policy. We need to be better, we all need to do better.
Black Lives Matter in our shop. Black Lives Matter on the road. Black Lives Matter.